A coffin is a legal requirement for presentation of the deceased for burial or cremation (unless negotiated otherwise with authorities, as is the case with some religions).
The choice is personal, and can range from an eco-friendly (cardboard) cremation coffin, through various veneered and woodgrain models, and solid pine (some with rope handles), to more elaborate caskets. (English coffins are wide at the shoulders and narrow at the feet. Caskets are rectangular, and larger than coffins). The choice will be influenced by factors such as whether the coffin will be present in church, whether there will be viewing, whether a burial or cremation is being held, as well as cultural influences, and budgetary constraints.
When required, extra large or long coffins are ordered specially. Alternatively, a modest casket could be used for a large person. A pall can be used to cover the coffin if preferred.
Our showroom has a selection of coffins across the range, and one or two caskets. However, if a family prefers something different, we could order off a catalogue, or they could visit a supplier’s showroom.